Hello, I’m Denis Untevskiy - welcome to my care page.
If words, deeds or text form (any set of any signs) which I co-authored happened to be useful for you, then here we are. Even if it just made some fun for you or touched you in any other way, this is it. Energies of inspiration, encouragement, indignation, gratitude or any other feeling that overwhelms you may be passed by any of the channels below.
If you’d like to get in touch, just text me in Telegram.
If it’s not suitable for any reason, please, fill the form.
In the current political situation I’m not sure if there’s a suitable way to transfer funds out from CIS except probably crypto. So please share your favorite way to support creative people in CIS using the text channels above. In my turn I’ll research the tax specifics of the process.
I can’t remember any project in English I’m into right now. Probably except only the Indieweb community itself. So feel free to get involved.
However, this pause shouldn’t last forever, I hope.
People and projects inspiring me. I always return to them from time to time, yet not always I do this regularly or right at the moment.
“Snowdrift”: these guys are really into the economics of public goods, also considering the freeriding problem.
Matthew Butterick is a programmer and lawyer
“Liberapay”: this great tool I would use, if we hadn’t got the current political situation. This is a fork and idea successor of the Gratipay/Gittip prior art.
“Ko-Fi” are also awesome, despite smelling like “Patreon”.
All the stuff above is kind of preliminary and, like anything else in this digital garden, - live! I’m going to update it when there’s energy and need in that. Last updated on 17.07.2023. (3.5 months after the Russian version)
Thanks for reading down to this line! <3